Altar Server Guidelines


Altar Server Ministry - Grades 5 through High School

Monica Wolfe, Scheduler – 626-796-0432 x113

“The altar server has a privileged place in liturgical celebrations. Those who serve at Mass present themselves to the community. They experience from close at hand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgy . . . In the liturgy you are far more than mere “helpers of the parish priest”. Above all, you are servants of Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest.”
– Saint John Paul II

A great way to participate in the life of the parish is to serve at the altar. Once in 5th grade, boys and girls are encouraged to consider serving God and our community as altar servers.
Parents are also an essential support to the ministry as they are the ones to make it possible for their sons and daughters to attend the necessary training and to arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled Mass to serve.
Families interested in joining our altar server ministry are invited to download the Application Form below and return it to the Business Office. You will then be contacted about a training date and then begin to serve at the Altar of the Lord!
A copy of the Altar Server Guidelines is also available below as a resource. 
We look forward to having you join in the wonderful ministry!