A liturgical minister is that faithful woman and man who steps out from the security of the pew to become actively engaged in the building up of the Body of Christ. They say to Jesus, ―call me out of the boat!
Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, altar server, sacristan, usher, greeter and choir member — each one models active and humble discipleship as they place themselves in the service of the Church’s great corporate prayer — the Eucharistic liturgy. The lector’s, “the Word of the Lord”; the EM’s, “the Body of Christ”; the server’s, “Amen”, the usher’s and greeter’s, “Welcome”; the choir member’s, “Alleluia” are all transforming words and by their own words they are, at once, transformed and transforming!
We invite you to consider whether God is calling you to serve in one of our liturgical ministries.