Wedding Coordinator
All couples are required to use the services of the Wedding Coordinator of the parish who will assist them with any questions they may have about church regulations regarding their wedding celebration. You may call the wedding coordinator at any time after your date is set to discuss the details of your ceremony. The Wedding Coordinator will direct the rehearsal and will also be at the wedding liturgy to ensure that all goes smoothly. The stipend for the services of the Wedding Coordinator is listed on the attached schedule of stipends. It is to be given at the time of the rehearsal.
Wedding Rehearsal
An important part of the preparation for the wedding celebration is the wedding rehearsal. It is essential that all members of the wedding party be present for this rehearsal as well as any individuals whom you have selected to proclaim the scripture readings during your celebration. Out of respect for the Wedding Coordinator, as well as any other rehearsal that may be planned, please make sure that your entire wedding party arrives on time. Your rehearsal time is limited to one hour. Please call the wedding coordinator no sooner than 4 months prior to your wedding date to schedule your rehearsal date and time.
At the wedding rehearsal, please give the following items to the Wedding Coordinator:
- final payments (for church, wedding coordinator, musicians and altar servers),
- any other items for the wedding.
The most important thing on the day of your wedding is your spiritual readiness to begin the task of deepening your bonds of love within the context of a truly Christian relationship. Celebrating this moment of decision far outweighs concerns over pictures, flowers or decorations. It is often the case, however, that couples have questions regarding the use of these enhancements to the liturgical environment. We therefore provide the following guidelines.
Floral arrangements enhance the beauty of any environment and we welcome your creativity with regard to this area. Please be mindful of the fact that as a sacramental celebration, the principal goal of liturgical environment is to help convey the mysteries of God’s saving love, and not merely to decorate space. For this reason, the following guidelines must be followed by your florist. Please provide them with a copy of the form letter to florist (see PDF file below for download of letter).
- Wedding couples may select a florist of their choice. In the event of multiple weddings on the same day, couples may contact each other and the florist to share expenses. We highly recommend couples share these expenses whenever possible. Please check with the Wedding Coordinator for names and phone numbers of other wedding couples.
- The florist must be finished decorating at least one hour prior to the wedding and leave the church clean.
- Floral arrangements are to be placed on either side of the tabernacle (behind the main altar). The size of the shelf on either side of the altar is 36” wide x 16” deep. No floral arrangements may be placed in front of the altar, ambo or lectern. No floral pillars may be used. We ask that the arrangements near the tabernacle remain for the adornment of the altar for Sunday Masses.
- The Church environment is decorated according to our liturgical calendar. There are certain colors used during the different seasons which will be prominent and which may influence your decision as to arrangements. You may obtain additional information from the Wedding Coordinator.
- None of the Church decorations may be moved for a wedding.
- Flowers or bows may be fastened to the end of the pews by ribbon, padded bracket or large rubber bands. Please do not use nails, screws, wire, tape, etc. for decorating. No swaging of pew bows.
- Garlands and aisle runners are not permitted.
- Candles may never be used on the pews. No candelabras on the altar or aisles.
- The following are not permitted in the church or anywhere on church grounds: bubbles, flower petals, birdseed, rice, confetti, doves, butterflies or any other items not connected with the immediate religious celebration.
Photography and Video
We want to make sure that your wedding is a day that you remember and a day that you can view again. A Catholic wedding ceremony or Mass is primarily a celebration of a couple’s love in union with our worship of God as an act of thanksgiving for this love. Therefore, we must make sure that while we catch this moment on film, we keep the primary emphasis in focus. For this reason, the following guidelines must be followed by your photographer. Please provide them with a copy of the form letter to photographers and videographers (see PDF file below for download of letter).
- All photo/video work must be done with the available light. Our electrical system has been updated and is more than adequate. No flood, strobe or spotlights are permitted.
- No flash photography is allowed during the ceremony. You may use a flash for the seating of parents, the Processional (entrance of the bridal party and bride), and the Recessional (the bride and groom exiting the church).
- All photographers and videographers must check in with the Wedding Coordinator prior to the ceremony to receive any specific requirements of the Priest. Photographs and videos may be taken discreetly and unobtrusively during the ceremony. Photographers are not permitted to enter the sanctuary and should consult with the Wedding Coordinator before the wedding begins.
- Posed pictures are permitted for 15 minutes only, following the ceremony.
- At no time are you or the photographer allowed to rearrange the decorations already in place in the church.