Adult Confirmation

Adult Confirmation
The sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist are so interrelated that they are known as the Sacraments of Initiation. The Church teaches that they are all required for full Christian initiation.
Adults who lack the third and final sacrament of initiation – Confirmation – are invited to build on their faith experience from Baptism and First Communion and become full members of the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
For adults already baptized as Catholics, we will work out a plan of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation based on their needs and interests. 
We invite you to update your understanding of the faith – to bring your questions and concerns – and prepare for the fullness of the Holy Spirit through Confirmation. As fully initiated members of the church, you will then be eligible to serve as a godparent for baptism, a sponsor for confirmation or as a liturgical minister at Mass. Those preparing for marriage (as well as married persons) who have not been confirmed are especially invited to attend our confirmation process.
Please contact Monica for more information at (626) 796-0432. If possible, please complete and send a Registration Form (attached below) to [email protected]!