Outreach Concern » Counseling Policy

Counseling Policy

Counseling Policy
The mission and purpose of the school is education. Schools do not assume the responsibilities proper to the family and to the society. Schools may not assume the responsibility for psychological counseling or therapy because they are not qualified or licensed to provide such counseling or therapy.
Schools may engage in the following activities in addition to providing classroom instruction:
  • Provide advice regarding academic subjects and student progress in school;  Give limited guidance to students who present with non-academic personal issues or situations;
  • Provide referrals to marriage and family counselors, child psychologists, licensed academic psychologists, psychiatrists and similar professional for diagnosis and treatment. If the school provides referrals to parents, the list must include at least three names of qualified persons or entities;
  • Retain, where necessary, appropriate professionals to provide educational testing that is needed for assessment of a student’s academic ability, learning patterns, achievement motivation, and personality factors directly related to academic learning problems, or psychological counseling services for school. Prior to entering into such a contractual relationship, the principal will ensure that the person is credentialed, licensed or otherwise properly qualified. The school may refer a student for specific or additional testing, as appropriate, generally at the parent/guardian’s expense.
In cases of actual or suspected child abuse or abuse of vulnerable adults, the Archdiocesan Victims’ Assistance Ministry is available as a resource. The Victims’ Assistance Ministry provides outreach and guidance to those suffering from abuse; sponsors a faith-based trauma recovery program; and assists in informing parish, school, archdiocesan and governmental authorities of the allegations of abuse. Referral to the Victim’s Assistance Ministry is not a substitute for mandated reporting of suspected abuse. Such a report must be made in accordance with Archdiocesan policy.

Outreach Concern Counseling Service
Saints Felicitas and Perpetua School strives to provide its students and families with as much supportive assistance as possible and is aware that today’s stressful lifestyle makes that support more and more necessary. By incorporating the Outreach Concern program, students at Saints Felicitas and Perpetua who experience difficulties with academics, behavior, or personal problems have access to trained counselors on campus, where and when they might need them. Outreach Concern’s counselors possess a wide variety of experience, including undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, doctoral, and professional backgrounds. Because the counselors are “intern counselors,” each counselor works under the supervision of a licensed clinician with whom they meet weekly to discuss their cases, in addition to ongoing supervision from Outreach Concern and their university program. All of the counselors, as well as the entire program, practice in accordance with teachings of the Catholic Church, upholding the same values that our parents and faculty adheres to. All counseling services provided by Outreach Concern are confidential. Records are retained by Outreach Concern and do not become a part of the student’s school file. It’s always Outreach Concern’s goal to involve the parents whenever possible and to help bring the student to understand the importance of that involvement in a confidential setting that makes them feel safe and understood. Any situation where a student may be involved in behavior that could be identified as dangerous to either themselves or others, or where the reasonable suspicion of child abuse is identified, the counselors are mandated by law and by the ethics of the counseling profession to take all responsible steps necessary to protect the student, including information to the appropriate authorities. Parents must sign a consent form for students to use the counseling services provided through the program. Students are referred for counseling in three ways: a faculty member or administrator, by the parents, or by the student themselves. Outreach Concern also provides each school and student access to a 24-hour Crisis Hotline, Crisis Response Team, a variety of in-service programs for students, teachers, and parents, monthly newsletters, and access to a referral network.