10 am - Sunday Outdoor Mass in Parking Lot - open for safety protocols

10 am - Sunday Outdoor Mass in Parking Lot - open for safety protocols

Guidelines for 10 am Sunday Mass on the Parking Lot
  1. If you are sick, symptomatic, or in a high-risk group, or unable to wear a mask, do not attend. All are dispensed from the Sunday obligation.
  2. Street parking only.
  3. Maintain 6' social distancing at all times.
  4. Face covering required at all times – masks with exhalation valves or vents not allowed per CDC updated guidelines. 
  5. Enter through gate after sanitizing hands.
  6. Bring water, an umbrella & sunscreen as needed. 
  7. No access to drinking fountain or restrooms. 
  8. Do not move chairs. Do not walk around. 
  9. No collection by ushers – collection boxes located by the altar.
  10. At the end of Mass, please go directly to your car - no socializing. 
See link below for more details. 

Let us remain united in prayer until we gather again at the Altar of the Lord ... and may God's blessings be upon us. Amen. 


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