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Knights of Columbus Spiritual Talk
Added Nov 09, 2020
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do everything that Christ did and said while he was here with us on Earth with the sitting example for us to follow and he practice what he preached he didn't just say feed the hungry give drink to the Third your visit the sick he talked to talk but he also Walk The Walk he fed 5000 people intended would have gone hungry in it sleeping on the ground with no food or water and he not only visited the sick he cured them even brought some back from the dead and can you also Why didn't drink to the Thirsty that lucky couple in Kane I had some good wine to give their guests for the weather wife would have had none it would have gone thirsty and probably would have been grumbling about what a lousy reception a hat and when he asked us to love the unlovable and forgive the unforgivable you was right out front again he hung around with Sinners and tax collector nobody like tax collectors he spoke with the Samaritan woman and no self-respecting you would have done that get cured at Samaritan leper that would have been a double no no to these to the Jews of the day he cured I hated Roman occupier I've always been a little puzzled by white Christ asked his father to forgive the people who unjustly put him to death instead of doing it directly but if you think about it the offense was primarily against the father price was there to do the will of his father he had been sent by his father in the message he had was from his father day I'm here to tell my father's keeping his promise to you I'm the Messiah promised so the affront was probably a greater one against the father that against the Sun and without the father's forgiveness would not have been complete Absolution to those people and he obviously would be implied that price also forgave them because if someone commits a wrong against two people it would be silly for one person to say you forgive him that I'm going to White mother and Christ also gave us a lot of wisdom in addition to the more wisdom the religious wisdom and he said some things surprise people like when he said the render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's he was being practical taxation is a necessary evil in this world unfortunately because without that Revenue government got the functions of taking care of their citizens and while we acknowledge that labor is the engine that drives an economy and causes things to be made someone has to steer it in the parable The Vineyard workers he made clear as long as an intrapreneur is fair and generous he has a right to decide how it is when he's going to be spending invested do you know my favorite American of all time is Abraham Lincoln because why Christ he was a humble man but he did not let anything stand in the way of caring up a nation that had been entrusted to him not the actress not insult not opposition he was steadfast in making sure that nothing deterred him from carrying out the mission they've been entrusted to him can head the end of it Mission Lincoln was killed just like Christ after he had accomplished the mission and because he had accomplished the mission like Christ Lincoln was a man of few words in 272 of them he eloquently summarize the reasons for the Carnage of the Civil War our darkest hour now we're engaging in on Civil War whether this nation can long endure the divisiveness and the fractiousness in the turmoil those folks in Washington would be well to hearken to the last is it that Lincoln spoke to some of the last public words take them too hard and act on them Lincoln said with malice toward none with charity for all let us begin the task of hang up the nation's wounds
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