Knights of Columbus » Grand Knight Welcome

Grand Knight Welcome

Worthy Grand Knight’s Message on behalf of my Brother Knights of SS Felicitas & Perpetua Council No 14026
I welcome you to our internet home page. I hope that your visit here is informative and will encourage your further discovery of the benefits of being a Knight of Columbus.
Our Knights of Columbus principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism are the cornerstones that support our efforts in improving our parish, its school and the surrounding community, as lives are changed one at a time. Through living these principles and our good works we draw closer to our faith.
As Knighted descendants of The Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney, founder of Knights of Columbus, we invite you to answer the call to service and join the men of our parish in support of our annual service projects and the enjoyment of our fellowship.
When you are interested in becoming a Knight of Columbus please contact me or any Knight of the parish.
Vivat Jesus
Tom Kester
Worthy Grand Knight
SS Felicitas & Perpetua Council No. 14026 (626) 487-9339